This stool was painted to match the Tiddliwinks bedding from Target for one of our teachers at school. This was the first stool I have done for a girl. I have 2 more orders for girls to do this summer.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Last Thursday night was the annual FFA banquet. Todd and I had a great time serving the steaks, potatoes, and rolls! Mr. Agudelo did an awesome job with the salad too! Lindsey and Todd pose for a picture after the banquet. Lindsey got the Environmental Technology Award. I am wondering if it has something to do with her amazing use of her Blackberry!
Just finished this sign for Miss Connie's daycare as a gift from some sweet little boys.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
A Camera in the Cow Pen
Ashley and Lindsey went out to attempt to walk the steer. While trying to persuade him to do this, they got a little CRAZY with the camera!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Visit to Mama and Daddy's
I left Friday after school and headed south east to visit Mama for Mother's Day. Daddy always makes pancakes when we visit. I love how he makes them crunchy around the edges! These pancakes were WONDERFUL!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Today, our first butterfly came out of its chrysalis! The kids are absolutely amazed with this transformation from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to butterfly. Each day they observed and counted the days. Today we let Steven (don't ask me why they named it this!) free. Just this is a miracle in itself. I learned that we should slow down and see the wonders of God every day.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Our Canton Trip
FINALLY, it was time for our end of the year trip and this year we were Canton bound! We left right after school and headed due north. We were half way there, when our pastor called and said he had heard Canton was closed because of the swine flu. I thought he was just pulling my leg, but he was serious! We all pulled over in Cayuga and Sara called the chamber and it was not cancelled! Praise the Lord! The swine flu is not near as bad as telling 8 teachers who have waited all week to go shopping they had to turn around and go back home! We got settled in at the Bunny Hollow B&B, and then ate Mexican food. HOMEMADE flour tortillas with butter, YUM!