Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Goods from the Girls!! in Ashley...(just for Carrie) won 2 tickets to the Houston Livestock show and rodeo! So Lindsey and I set out last night to see all the cowboys and Faith Hill!! We were able to ride to the rodeo in style by taking mom's car, but unfortunately for her she was forced to spend some quality time with old whitey!
As we are on our way, Lindsey gets a frantic call that mom is stranded at Fantastic Tans! We are already in Huntsville and dad is in a meeting, so poor mom is left sitting in the parking lot praying that she can pry the key loose from the ignition and start the truck.
Oh but it gets better!! A few minutes later, after I am trying to run down Daniel or someone to help this damsel in distress, Lindsey recieves another phone call that the poor dear did not put the truck in park!!
Needless to say we had a great time at the rodeo and Mom had an eventful afternoon!!
By the way...she has no idea that this blog is being posted! I am headed back to College Station and will avoid the wrath!! What can I say...I'm a hacker!!
Love you back for my burrito and bird's pecker!!


teresa said...

Ashley, you just wait!!

teresa said...

Ashley, you just wait!!

Carrie said...

Yall are crazy! Ashley, why didn't you say it was you? I was so confused... I know it doesn't take much!

Carrie said...

Thanks for clearing that up for me missy! I had your grandma in this equation!!!