Monday, January 28, 2008
Pics from Playa
Friday, January 25, 2008
School Board Appreciation
January is School Board Appreciation Month. This picture was in the paper this week. Doesn't Todd look handsome? We have a great school with wonderful leaders. The article can be found at under more news.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Monteczuma's Revenge
Monday morning, 3:00am, it hit me. I have never been so sick in my life. We were to leave for the airport at 9:15am. Thank goodness the hotel had a doctor. He gave me a shot of something and some pills. I made it home, but I don't know how. Todd was so patient with me because I was so weak. I know everyone who saw me thought I was hung over. Sorry, no pictures of me sick but pictures of the fun part of the trip will be posted soon.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Playa del Carmen Vacation
Here are just a couple of the pictures from our trip to Playa del Carmen. Yesterday we went to Xcaret where there was an underground river. We floated the crystal clear waters. It was beautiful. The first day on the beach was great. The high was 86 degrees. Ashley and Lindsey played a few games of volleyball. Todd and I read and watched the people walk by. Today we decided to stay the night in Cancun. The hotel owns other hotels and we were offered to stay there. The weather is not so hot. It is very cloudy, windy, and cooler. But we will be closer to the airport tomorrow when we get ready to leave.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Just for you!
If you are wondering what happened to yesterday's picture of Carrie and Donna, well I was sort of threatened to take it off. To keep my friendship with one of the pictured, I deleted it. I will bring my camera for February's BUNCO and have some pictures.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Induction in the National Honor Society
Lindsey and Meagan are now official members of the Madisonville Chapter of the National Honor Society! WooHoo! They were inducted Thursday evening at 6:30. Todd and I found out about it around 2:00 that afternoon. Lindsey always waits to the last minute .
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Memories of 2007
We can't forget about Angi's visit from Germany. Angi and a group of students came to Madisonville for a couple of weeks in October. Her English teacher's family lives here, so homes were provided for them to stay with Madisonville students. We really enjoyed Angi's visit. Hopefully, she'll come back to see us.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Faries Christmas
Christmas in Kirbyville
We spent Christmas Day in Kirbyville with my parents. Lee, Donna, Garrett, and Caleb were there as well. Daddy barbecued and we had a good visit and ate good food. I traveled back to my parents' house a couple of days after Christmas to be with Mama on her birthday. We shopped in Jasper and took her out to eat for her birthday. Ashley and Caleb pose together after opening their presents.